Montgomery County Public Utilities’ operations consists of 14 employees who are dedicated to providing safe and reliable water service, day and night, 365 days a year to over 20,000 individuals. This team is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure needed to treat and deliver to our customers. We continuously strive for innovation and improvement to be as efficient as possible with our natural and fiscal resources.
Our drinking water starts its journey at the headwaters of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin located near Blowing Rock where it travels south and east across the state for 203 miles before reaching our raw water intake located near the dam at Lake Tillery. Once at Lake Tillery our raw water station pumps water to our treatment facility located on Hydro Road, west of Mt. Gilead. The water treatment plant is capable of producing 6 million gallons of drinking water per day through a traditional chemical and physical process to remove impurities that naturally occur in raw water supplies. After the water is treated it is stored in a clear well onsite until pumped into the distribution system – a network of ten storage tanks, five major pumping stations, and over 300 miles of pipes ranging in size from 2 inches to 24 inches that deliver water to your tap.
Throughout the treatment process and continuing into our distribution system your drinking water is monitored daily per Federal and State guidelines. All sample analysis is done by State certified labs and available for your review at the North Carolina drinking water watch website. Montgomery County Public Utilities also produces annual water quality reports that are made available to our customers each year.