Living Here

Quality of Life

Montgomery County’s motto is “A Golden Opportunity.” The origin dates back to the early 1800’s when North Carolina was a leading gold producing state, and specifically to 1803 when gold was first found in Montgomery County. Over time it was revealed that there were 13 major gold deposits in the county, making it the hub of gold mining in the state.

Fast forward to today, and though the gold rush is over, Montgomery County still remains a golden opportunity for people looking for a great place to live, work and raise a family.

Outdoor Recreation

There are literally tens of thousands of acres of open space, national forest and lakes in Montgomery County making this an outdoor enthusiasts dream. Be sure to visit the Outdoor Recreation section of our site to learn more.


Small, community based schools are a distant memory for most people—but not here in Montgomery County. Our students enjoy small classes and personal interaction with teachers. To learn more, visit the Education page.


High quality healthcare services are available in Montgomery County through the First Health of the Carolina’s network. Additionally, there are several private practices in our communities that are perfect for everyday healthcare needs. To learn more, visit our Healthcare page.