Montgomery County Airport RFQ - Engineering and Planning Services
Montgomery County Airport is soliciting Qualifications Statements from qualified airport consulting firms for providing professional airport engineering and planning services for the development of the Airport. Work is anticipated to be accomplished through a combination of County funds, State grants, FAA grants, and other sources. Anticipated projects may include, but are not limited to, runway extensions, runway safety areas, taxiways, aircraft aprons, airfield lighting, NAVAID’s, instrument landing systems, fueling systems, hangars, land acquisition assistance, feasibility studies, miscellaneous planning, and other projects as determined by the County. Qualifications Statements are due by 3:00 PM on April 26, 2017 to the attention of Matthew Woodard, County Manager, 102 East Spring Street, PO Box 425, Troy, NC 27371-0425. Qualifications Statements received after the above time and date shall not be considered. For information and instructions regarding the preparation and delivery of the proposals, please visit the Montgomery County website at or email Mr. Woodard at [email protected]. Montgomery County Airport reserves the right to waive informalities, reject any and all Qualifications Statements, to solicit new Qualifications Statements, or to award a contract as it deems will best serve its interests.