Food Supplier
The purpose of the Request For Proposals (RFP) is to give specifications for the County of Montgomery’s elderly nutrition programs to include congregate meals, home delivered meals, and frozen meals. The congregate meals are delivered to one location within the County in individual meal containers and served for seniors that are able to travel to the congregate nutrition site locations. The home delivered meals are delivered to one or two locations within the County. One location is the same as congregate meals. From these locations, the County recruits volunteers to deliver to the homebound seniors every day. See Schedule A for more information on number of meals per location. The frozen meals are delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays to the same locations as home delivered meals. A week’s worth of frozen meals will be delivered to the homebound seniors by volunteers. In the event that the office is closed on a Tuesday or Thursday, arrangements will be made in advance to adjust the meal delivery.
RFP - Elderly Nutrition Food Delivery