RFP and RFQ Opportunities

Completing Access to Broadband (CAB) Program - Montgomery County Scope of Work

NCDIT CAB Montgomery County Scope of Work

Montgomery County (“the county”) and the N.C. Department of Information Technology’s Broadband Infrastructure Office (“NCDIT” or “the office”) are hereby requesting responses from prequalified broadband providers (“vendors” or “respondents”) to build broadband infrastructure and provide broadband service to unserved and underserved locations within the county. The deployment of high-speed internet to homes, businesses, and community anchor institutions within the county would increase efficiency and productivity and create additional opportunities for telemedicine, distance education, teleworking, and more. The availability of high-speed internet is vital to the county’s economic development and is a significant priority in the county’s long-range plans. Please click the link above for more information and directions on responding to this RFP. Thank you.